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Open letter: President Biden, this is how you can uphold your legacy by supporting Ukraine

Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed below are those of the author(s) and signatories and do not purport to reflect the views of the Kyiv Independent.
Dear U.S. President Joe Biden,
As Ukrainian cities continue to be targeted by Russian missiles and drones, bringing death and devastation to civilians, and as Ukrainian soldiers face the horrors of glide bombs dropped from Russian territory, we take the liberty of appealing to you.
We fully understand that, as president of the only country in the Western coalition able to provide a credible and persuasive response to Moscow’s aggression, you have been careful since the beginning of the war to avoid any scenario that could lead to escalation.
In a few months, it will be three years since the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. It now seems clear to us that, for both military and political reasons, this worst-case scenario no longer offers any advantage to Moscow’s leadership. Quite the contrary.
As for the question of Russia’s future after its defeat in Ukraine, the current power structure leaves little room for doubt. The vertical power structure of the “siloviki” (“strongmen”) will likely be reorganized around those components of the politico-mafia system that first understood the need to end Vladimir Putin’s experiment to salvage what remains.
We do believe that there is still a major risk of escalation, but it has moved to Asia. Just as Mao Zedong waited for the Kuomintang to exhaust itself in its fight against Japanese troops before launching the Long March, Xi Jinping is waiting patiently for the Russian military apparatus to collapse.
From this point of view, any Western procrastination can only delay Russia’s inevitable defeat and simultaneously strengthen China’s imperialist designs, not only toward Taiwan and the Philippines but also in the Russian Far West, particularly in the territories of Outer Manchuria, which Russia annexed in the 19th century, the key access to the Sea of Japan.
For these reasons, we believe the legacy of leadership you have shown since the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, would be tarnished if, in the final months of your presidency, you did not reinvigorate the Western coalition by supporting the following measures:
Thank you once again for your leadership. Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of our highest consideration.
Sir James Fraser, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Chair Professor of Contemporary Chemistry, University of Hong Kong
Gert-Johannes Hagemann, Major General (ret.), Germany
Willy Herteleer, Admiral (ret.), former Belgian Chief of Defense
Ben Hodges, General, former Commander of the US Army in Europe
Andrius Kubilius, member of the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Lithuania
Jean-Sylvestre Mongrenier, Professor of history and geography, researcher at the Institut Français de Géopolitique (University of Paris VIII), Director of Research at the Thomas More Institute, France
Alexander Motyl, Professor of political science, Rutgers University-Newark, United States
Andrej А. Piontkovsky, Senior adviser of the Free Russia Foundation, visiting fellow at Hudson Institute, Russia/USA
Aaron Rhodes, author and president of the Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe; former Executive Director of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, USA
Taavi Rõivas, former Prime Minister, Estonia
Karl Schlögel, Professor Emeritus, Historian, East European History, Berlin, Germany
Constantin Sigov, Director of European Research Center, University of « Kyiv-Mohyla Academy », Ukraine
Krassen Stanchev, Professor, Sofia University and Board Chairman of the Institute for Market Economics, Bulgaria
Marc Thys, Lieutenant General (ret.), former Vice Chief of Defense, Belgium
Nikos Votsios, General (ret.), former International Relations Director, MoD, Greece
Tatiana Yankelevich Bonner, former director of Andrei Sakharov Program for Human Rights, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, USA
Mika Aaltola, member of the European Parliament, Finland
Solya Bobrovska, member of Parliament, Ukraine
Carlo Calenda, Senator, former Minister, Italy
Martin Exner, Member of Parliament, Czech Republic
Oleksii Goncharenko, member of Parliament, Ukraine
Markéta Gregorova, member of the European Parliament, Czech Republic
Atte Eric Harjanne, member of Parliament, Chair of the Green Parliamentary group, Finland
Rasa Juknevičienė, member of the European Parliament, Lithuania
Rihards Kols, member of the European Parliament, Latvia
Yevheniia Kravchuk, member of Parliament, Ukraine
Marek Kuchciński, member of Parliament, former Speaker of the Sejm, Poland
Kalle Laanet, member of Parliament, former Defense Minister, Estonia
Raimundas Lopata, member of Parliament, Chairman of the Seimas Committee on the Future, Lithuania
Jaak Madison, member of the European Parliament, Estonia
Marius Matijosaitis, member of Parliament, Lithuania
Marko Mihkelson, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament
Alexandru Muraru, Member of Parliament, Romania
Reinis Poznaks, member of the European Parliament, Latvia
Pedro Roque, Member of Parliament, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Portugal
Aliona Shkrum, member of Parliament, Ukraine
David Smoljak, chairperson of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Senate, Czech Republic
Sergiy Soboliev, member of Parliament, Ukraine
Björn Söder, member of Parliament, Sweden
Villy Sovndal, member of the European Parliament, Denmark
Markus Wiechel, member of Parliament, Sweden
Halyna Yanchenko, member of Parliament, Ukraine
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, chairman of the Freedom of Speech committee of the Ukrainian Parliament
Jean-Christophe Abramovici, Professor, Director of the French and Comparative Literature Department at Sorbonne University, France
Gian Paolo Accardo, cofounder and Editor-in-Chief, Voxeurop, Belgium/France
Klaus Adam, Professor of Economics, University College London (UCL), UK
Mantas Adomenas, Secretary General of the Community of Democracies, writer, former member of Parliament, Lithuania
Cengiz Aktar, Professor of Political Science at the University of Athens
Michael Alexeev, Professor of Economics, Indiana University, USA
Vera Ammer, translator, Memorial Germany
Katarina Ammitzbøll, Former Member of the Danish Parliament (Folketing)
Michèle Amzallag, Professeure, Civilisation Française, Université de La Sorbonne, France
Guillaume Ancel, former officer and writer, France
Olga Andriewsky, Professor Emerita, History, Trent University, Canada
Tobias Arand, Professor for History and history didactics, University of education Ludwigsburg, Germany
Nikita Artemov, research associate, Center for Religious Studies, University of Bochum, Germany
Vincent M. Artman, Adjunct professor, Center for Peace & Conflict Studies, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Martin Aust, Professor of Eastern European History, Chairman of the Association of Eastern European Historians, University of Bonn, Germany
Nicolas Auzanneau, translator, France/Belgium
Tania Babina, Assistant Professor of Finance, Columbia Business School, USA
Jaroslaw Balan, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
Taras Banakh, Professor of Mathematics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Marta Barandiy, President, Promote Ukraine, Brussels, Belgium
Aurélie Barjonet, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Lille, France
Christine Baron, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Poitiers, France
Polina Barvinska, Professor, World history, Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, K.D. Ushynsky, Ukraine
Yuliy Baryshnikov, Professor of mathematics and ECE, University of Illinois (UIUC), USA
Gilles Bataillon, sociologist, Director of Studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France
Fabian Baumann, Research Associate, Heidelberg University, Germany
Aurelio Bay, Professor of Physics (Emeritus), Ecole Polythecnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Stefan Bayer, Professor of Economics, Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
Marieluise Beck, former member of the Bundestag, former State Secretary, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod), Germany
Jan Claas Behrends, Professor of Eastern European History, European University Viadrina, Senior Fellow at the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History (ZZF), Potsdam, Germany
Germà Bel Queralt, Professor of Economics at Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Martine Benoit, Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Lille, France
Gérard Bensussan, philosopher, Professor Emeritus at the University of Strasbourg, France
Olga Bertelsen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Global Security and Intelligence, Tiffin University, USA
Andreas Bikfalvi, Professor of cell and molecular biology, Bordeaux University, France
Laada Bilaniuk, Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, USA
Annick Bilobran-Karmazyn, President of ADVULE, France
Volodymyr Bilotkach, Associate Professor in Aviation Management, Purdue University, co Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Air Transport Management, U.S.A.
Marina Blanton, Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo, USA
Marie-Aline Bloch, professeur honoraire, École des Hautes études en santé publique, France
Thomas Boccon-Gibod, Lecturer in Philosophy of politics, law and standards, Grenoble Alpes University, France
Vassilios Bogiatzis, research and teaching Associate, Panteion University, Athens, Greece
Christiane Böhler-Auras, Journalist and translator, Germany
Etienne Boillet, Senior Lecturer in Italian Studies, University of Poitiers, France
Pierre Bouchat, associate professor, Social psychology, University of Lorraine, France
Dominique Bourg, Honorary Professor, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
John Bowis, former Member of the European Parliament and of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Jordan Bozhilov, President of the Sofia Security Forum, Bulgaria
Peter Bozhkov, Professor of Biochemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Stefano Braghiroli, Associate professor of European Studies, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia
Sarah Brajbart-Zajtman, philosopher, journalist, former Director of “Regards”, Belgium
Gastone Breccia, military historian, Researcher at University of Pavia, Italy
Thomas Bremer, Emeritus Professor of Eastern Christian Studies, University of Münster, Germany
Michel Briand, Professor Emeritus of classics, University of Poitiers, France
Giovanna Brogi, Emeritus Professor, Milan University, Italy
Karsten Brüggemann, Professor for Political and Social History at Tallinn University, Estonia
Bernard Bruneteau, Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of Rennes 1, France
Matthias Fritz Büchner, former federal spokesman of the Neues Forum, Germany
Justina Budginaite-Froehly, freelance Baltic security & defense researcher, Germany/Lithuania
Janusz Bugajski, Senior Fellow Jamestown Foundation, Washington, USA
Alexander L Burin, Professor, theoretical physical chemistry, Tulane University, USA
Daniela Caglioti, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Marc Capelle, journalist & author, former Director of the ESJ Lille School of Journalism, France
Marco Cappato, former member of the European Parliament, Italy
Paulo Casaca, former member of the Portuguese Parliament, former member of the European Parliament
Giovanni Catelli, writer, poet, Eastjournal correspondent, Italy
Volker Caumanns, lecturer, Institute for South and Central Asian Studies, Leipzig University, Germany
Giuliano Cazzola, journalist, entrepreneur, former Member of Parliament and former trade unionist, Italy
Géraldine Cerf de Dudzeele, psychoanalyst member of the Société de Psychanalyse Freudienne, France
Lorenzo Ceva Valla, photographer and Director, Milan, Italy
Leo Chalupa, Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology, George Washington University, USA
Illia Chedoluma, historian, Ukrainian Catholic University, Ukraine
Vitaly Chernetsky, Professor, Department of Slavic, German, and Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas, USA
Fabien Chevalier, Honorary Chairman of Sauvons l’Europe, national board member of the European Movement, France
Yuliia Chystiakova, researcher, University of Paris Nanterre, France
Walter Clemens, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Boston University, U.S.A.
Daniel Coche, writer-director-producer, former lecturer at the University of Strasbourg, France
Ariel Cohen, Senior fellow (non-resident), The Atlantic Council, Washington, DC, USA
Dominique Colas, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Sciences Po, Paris
Mélodie Combot, Professor of Public Law, Université Antilles-Guyane, France
John Connelly, Sidney Hellman Ehrman Professor of European History, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA
Catherine Coquio, writer, Professor of Comparative Literature at Paris-Diderot University, co-founder of the Syria-Europe Committee, France
Halyna Coynash, journalist, Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Ukraine
Krzysztof Czyżewski, President of the Borderland Foundation, Poland
Christophe D’Aloisio, Researcher affiliated to the Research Institute Religions, Spiritualities, Cultures, Societies (RSCS, UCLouvain), Director of the Institute of Orthodox Theology in Brussels, Belgium
Andriy Danylenko, Professor of Russian and Slavic Linguistics, Pace University, USA
Francesco D’Arrigo, Director of the Italian Institute of Strategic Studies, Italy
Annie Daubenton, journalist, essayist and consultant, specialising in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, Ukraine), France
Julia David, Associate Member of the Institute of Modern and Contemporary History (CNRS/ENS), France
Franziska Davies, Fellow at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) Potsdam, Germany
Bernard De Backer, sociologist, Author, Brussels, Belgium
David DeBatto, US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent (ret.)
Samantha de Bendern, Associate fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), former NATO Ukraine political officer, UK
Costantino De Blasi, economist, founder of Liberi Oltre le Illusioni (Free Beyond Illusions), Italy
Martine de Gaudemar, philosopher, Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris Nanterre, France
Isabelle de Mecquenem, Philosophy teacher and member of the Conseil des sages de laïcité of the French Ministry of Education
Tatyana Deryugina, Associate Professor of Finance, University of Illinois, USA
Lev Deych, Professor, Queens College, City University of New York, USA
Stefan Dimitrov, associate Professor, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Elise Domenach, University Professor, France
Stéphane Dorin, Professor of Sociology, University of Limoges, France
Gesine Drews-Sylla, Professor, Slavic Studies, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany
Françoise Dubor, Professor of literature and theatre studies at the University of Poitiers, France
Vladimir Dubrovskiy, Senior Economist at CASE Ukraine, Kyiv
Dragos Duicu, Lecturer in philosophy, Director of studies for the Licence canonique, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France
Jean-Bernard Dupont-Melnyczenko, Professor of history, honorary Dean of the College of IA IPRs of the Académie d’Amiens, France
Olivier Dupuis, former Member of the European Parliament, Belgium/Italy
Emmanuel Dupuy, President of the Institute for Prospective and Security in Europe (IPSE), France
Marta Dyczok, Associate Professor, History and Political Science, Western University, Canada
Igor Efimov, Professor, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Steven Ekovich, Professor Emeritus, Politics and History, The American University of Paris, France
Marc Elie, Research Fellow at the CNRS, deputy director of the Center for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies – Cercec, France
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Sergei Erofeev, Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University, USA
Nino Evgenidze, Executive Director at the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC), Georgia
Jean-Louis Fabiani, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and social anthropology at the Central European University, Vienna, Member of Academia Europaea, France/Austria
Penelope Faulkner, President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam, France
Anastassia Fedyk, finance professor at UC Berkeley and co-founder of Economists for Ukraine
Björn Felder, Researcher & Lecturer, Chair for Eastern European History, University of Göttingen, Germany
Andrej Findor, Associate Professor, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
Eugene Finkel, Kenneth H. Keller Professor of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Arno Fischer, Professor (ret.), Computer Sciences, TH Brandenburg, Germany
Claude Forest, Professor Emeritus, University of Strasbourg, France
Alexandre François, Linguist, Director of Research, CNRS, Paris, France
Vanessa Frangville, professor in Chinese studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
Andreas Fulda, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham
Juliane Fürst, Professor of Modern History at the Central European University, head of department at Zentrum for Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, Germany
Eiji Furukawa, Visiting Professor, Akita International University, Japan
Philippe Gabriel, Senior Lecturer in education and training, LIRDEF, Avignon Université, France
Jason Galie, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, World Languages and Cultures, American University, Washington, USA
Natalia Gamalova, Professor of Russian Language and Literature, Department of Slavic Studies, University of Lyon 3, France
Nicolas Gavoille, Associate Professor, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Latvia
Lucyna Gebert, Professor of Slavic Linguistics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Michael Gentile, Professor of Human Geography, University of Oslo, Norway
Aleksandar Georgiev, Colonel (ret.), former Senior National Representative in USCENTCOM, Bulgaria
Fabio Ghironi, Paul F. Glaser Professor of Economics, University of Washington, USA
Mridula Ghosh, Associate Professor, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Board Chair, East European Development Institute, Ukraine
Angelos Giannakopoulos, DAAD-Professor of European Studies, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
Josip Glaurdić, Professor, head of the Institute of Political Science, University of Luxembourg
Witold Gnauck, foundation manager, Berlin, Germany
Sébastien Gobert, journalist, France/Ukraine
Paul Goble, analyst, specialist on the Peoples of the Former Soviet Space, USA
Christian Godin, philosopher, autor, France
Odile Goerg, Emeritus Professor of the History of Contemporary Africa, Université Paris Cité, France
Bernard Golse, Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist, Professor, Université Paris V-René Descartes, founder of the Institut Contemporain de l’Enfance, France
Svetlana Gorshenina, historian, art historian, historiographer and specialist on Central Asia, Director of Research, CNRS Eur’Orbem, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France
Paul Gragl, Professor of European Law at the University of Graz, Austria
Iegor Gran, writer, France
Iryna Grebenyuk, Associate Professor of Criminal Law, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
Oleg Gredil, Associate Professor of Finance, Tulane University, USA
Gustav Gressel, Senior policy fellow with the Wider Europe Programme, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Germany
Armelle Groppo, Senior lecturer (retired), Russian language and civilisation, former president of the Association française des russisants, University of Paris Nanterre, France
Iulian Groza, Executive Director, Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), Moldova
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse, Professor, head of the Department of European Union Policies, Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
Yaryna Grusha, writer, translator, Adjunct Professor, Università degli Studi of Milan, Italy
Jaroslaw Gryz, Professor, Faculty of Security, War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland
Danilo Guaitoli, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept of Economics, New York University, USA
Raphaëlle Guidée, Senior Lecturer, IUF / University of Poitiers, France
Jerg Gutmann, Junior professor for Behavioral Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany
Dora Győrffy, Professor of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Domagoj Hajdukovic, former Member of Parliament, Croatia
Olexiy Haran, Professor, founding director, school for policy analysis at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
Rebecca Harms, former Member of the European Parliament, former Co-Chair of the EURO-NEST Parliamentary Assembly, Lüchow-Dannenberg, Germany
Christopher A. Hartwell, Professor of International Business Policy at ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland
Patrick Hassenteufel, Professor of Political Science, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, researcher at CESDIP/CNRS, France
Catherine Hattinguais, translator, secretary of Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre!, France
Pavel Havlicek, Research Fellow at the Association for International Affairs (AMO), Czech Republic
Oleksandr Havrylenko, Professor at the V. N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Nicolas Hayoz, professor emeritus for political science, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Moritz Helmstaedter, Professor, Director, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany
Dale Herspring, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Kansas State University, USA
Richard Herzinger, columnist, Berlin, Germany
James Hodson, CEO of AI for Good Foundation, Co-founder of Economists for Ukraine, UK/USA/Italy
Fred Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Intelligence Studies, Mercyhurst University, USA
Marie Holzman, Sinologist, President of Solidarité Chine, France
Halyna Hryn, President of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Editor Harvard Ukrainian Studies, USA
Yaroslav Hrytsak, Professor, Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine, Ukrainian Catholic University
Ihor Hyrych, Historian, Head of Department, Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies, Ukraine
Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj, Professor, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
Olena Ivus, Associate Professor and E. Marie Shantz fellow of Business, Economics, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Canada
Peter Jackson, Professor, Chair in Global Security, University of Glasgow, Executive Director of the Scottish Council on Global Affairs, UK
Christian Jacques, Associate professor, german studies at Université de Strasbourg, France
Rune Jansen Hagen, Professor of economics, University of Bergen, Norway
Mindaugas Jurkynas, Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Nathalie Heinich, Sociologist, Director of Research at the CNRS, Paris, France
Stéphane Jeannin, Professor, Université Côte d’Azur, France
Donald N. Jensen, Adjunct professor at the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Mamuka Jibladze, Head of the Department of Mathematical Logic, Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Mindaugas Jurkynas, Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Krasimir Kabakciev, Deputy Director of the Arts, Humanities and Education Division of Atiner, the Athens Institute, Bulgaria
Alexander Kabanov, Mescal S. Ferguson Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Kornely Kakachia, Jean Monnet Chair, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Tomasz Kamusella, Reader, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
Ewa Karwowski, Senior Lecturer in Finance and Development, King’s College London, UK
Christian Kaunert, Professor of International Security Policy, Dublin City University and University of South Wales
Michael Khodarkovsky, Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Dmitri Kireev, Professor of Chemistry, University of Missouri – Columbia, USA
Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, Senior Fellow – Bruegel, Brussels, Belgium
Jochen Kleinschmidt, Lecturer and Research Associate, Chair of International Politics, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Bohdan Klid, Research Associate, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
Vladimir Kolesnichenko, professor of Chemistry, Xavier University of Louisiana, USA
Zhivka Koleva-Zlateva, Professor in Linguistics, University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria; University of Freiburg, Germany.
Miroslav Kollár, former Member of Parliament, Slovakia
Nadia Koloteva-Levine, Lecturer in Applied Biology, University of Kent, UK
Natalie Kononenko, Professor of folklore, emerita, University of Alberta, Canada
Bohdan Kordan, Professor Emeritus, Political Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Christiane Körner, translater, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Viktor Korolchuk, Professor of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, UK
Julia Korosteleva, Professor, Business Economics, University College London, UK
Leon Kosals, University Professor (Criminology), University of Toronto, Canada
Andrew Kosenko, Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Management, Marist College, USA
Iouri Koslovskii, Head of the Collegium, Ukrainian Catholic University
Elena Kostioukovitch, essayist and literary translator, Italy
Oskar Kowalewski, Professor of Finance, IESEG School of Management, France
Oksana Kozlova, Lecturer in Russian, Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Lyudmyla Kozlovska, President of the Board of the Open Dialogue Foundation, Ukraine
Taras Koznarsky, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
Mark Kramer, Director of Cold War Studies, Harvard University, USA
Robert W Krause, Assistant Professor of Management, Department of Management, University of Kentucky, USA
Charlotte Krauss, Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Poitiers, France
Oleksandr Kruglov, Senior Historian Advisor of the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, Kiev, Ukraine
Olha Krupa, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Seattle University, U.S.A.
Askold Krushelnycky, British/American journalist & author
Adam Kubiak, senior lecturer at the Rzeszow University, Humanities College, Poland
Jacek Kucharczyk, President of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), Poland
Bohdan Kukharskyy, Assistant Professor of Economics, City University of New York, USA
Mart Kuldkepp, Professor of Estonian and Nordic History, University College London, UK
Elżbieta Kwiecińska, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Frédéric Labarre, Assistant Professor, Royal Military College of Canada
Anne Lange, Associate Professor of Translation Studies, Tallinn University, Estonia
Luca Lanini, Professor, Vicepresident of the Master degree in Building Engineering-Architecture, University of Pisa, Italy
Vladyslav Lanovoy, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Laval University, Canada
Ainius Lašas, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Olga Lautman, Senior Fellow at The Center for European Policy Analysis, Washington, USA
Gérard Lauton, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Applied Mathematics, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
Marc Lazar, professor emeritus, Sciences Po Paris, France
Aurélie Ledoux, Senior Lecturer, University of Paris Nanterre, France
Gabriel Lee, Professor of Economics, University of Regensburg, Germany
Atis Lejins, former Member of Parliament, founder of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Latvia
Nathalie Lemaire, Lecturer, School of Translation and Interpreting ISTI-Cooremans ULB, Belgium
Françoise Létoublon, Emeritus Professor of Greek Language and Literature, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Matthew Light, Associate Professor, Criminology and Sociological Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Sylvie Lindeperg, Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and emeritus member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Jonathan Littell, writer, Goncourt Prize, France
Peter Oliver Loew, Director of the German Institute of Polish Affairs, Darmstadt, Germany
Frédérique Longuet Marx, Anthropologist, Associate Member of CETOBAC (EHESS), France
Werner Lorenz, Professor of Construction History, Brandenburg University of Technology, coordinator of DFG Priority Programme Construction as Cultural Heritage, Germany
Mihhail Lotman, Professor emeritus, University of Tartu, former Member of Parliament, Estonia
Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Associate Professor of Economics, director of Graduate Studies, Indiana University, U.S.A.
Taras Lyuty, Professor at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
Paul Robert Magocsi, FRSC, Professor, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Bálint Magyar, Senior Fellow, CEU Democracy Institute, former Minister of Education, Hungary
Robert Maier, historian, sovietologist, textbook expert, Germany
Pandeli Majko, former Prime Minister of Albania
Martin Malek, independent political scientist, Austria
Markijan Malskyj, Ambassador, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Ukraine
Francesca Manzari, Professor of General and Comparative Literature, University of Aix-Marseille, France
Jean Mariani, Emeritus Professor, Sorbonne Université Paris, France
Dalia Marin, Professor of Economics, TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Luigi Marinelli, Professor of literature, Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy
André Markowicz, writer, translator, France
Armando Marques Guedes, Full Professor, NOVA School of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, former President of the Portuguese Diplomatic Academy
Myroslav Marynovych, President of the Institute of Religion and Society of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, former prisoner of conscience (1977-1987), Ukraine
Igor Masten, Professor of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Michal Matlak, Managing Editor, Review of Democracy, Central European University, Vienna, Austria
Oleksandra Matviichuk, head of the Center for Civil Liberties, Ukraine
Alain Maskens, Physician, oncologist, founder and former medical coordinator of the European Organization for Cooperation in Cancer Prevention Studies (ECP), Belgium
Lutz Mattner, Professor of Mathematical Stochastics, University of Trier, Germany
Marie-Claude Maurel, Director of Studies at EHESS, Centre d’Études Russe, Caucasien et Centre-Européen, France
Rachel Mazuy, lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, France
Alvydas Medalinskas, former Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Seimas of Lithuania
Baruch Meerson, Professor Emeritus, Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Igor Mel’čuk, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Professor Emeritus, University of Montreal, Canada
Alexandre Melnik, Professor at ICN Business School, expert and consultant in geopolitics, France
Arnaud Mercier, Professor of political communication, university Paris Panthéon-Assas, France
Markus Meckel, former Foreign Minister and Member of the Bundestag, former Vice-President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Germany
Marc-Emmanuel Mélon, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Liège, Belgium
Olaf Mertelsmann, Professor of Eastern European History, University of Tartu, Estonia
Hans Petter Midttun, Nonresident Fellow at Centre for Defence Strategies, former Norwegian Defence Attache to Ukraine
Oksana Mikheieva, Professor of Sociology at Ukrainian Catholic University
Nona Mikhelidze, Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome
Maksimas Milta, Associate Expert, Eastern Europe Studies Center, Lithuania
Yevhenii Monastyrskyi, Historian, sociologist, fellow at Democracy Study Center (Kyiv), Ukraine
Eleonora Mongelli, Vice President FIDU, Italian Human Rights Federation, Italy
Liliya Morska, Professor, Foreign Languages, Institute of Education, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Michael Moser, Professor of Slavic Linguistics, University of Vienna
Oleksandra Moskalenko, Visiting Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science, U.K.
Violeta Moskalu, Présidente-Fondatrice de Global Ukraine, France
Jean-Luc Mouget, University Professor, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
Reinhard Müller, Professor of Old Testament, University of Göttingen, Germany
Wolfgang Müller, professor of Political Science, Department of Government, University of Vienna, Austria
Ivan Myhul, Professor of Political Economy, Ukrainian Free University, Munich, Germany
Dariia Mykhailyshyna, Senior economist, Center for Economic Strategy (CES), Kyiv, Ukraine
Jaroslav Nad, former Minister of Defence, Slovakia
Anna Nagurney, Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Véronique Nahoum-Grappe, Social Science Researcher, Paris, France
Boris Najman, Associate Professor and Researcher in Economics at University Paris East Créteil, France
Dietmar Neutatz, Professor of Eastern European History, University of Freiburg, Germany
Francesco Nicoli, Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Politecnico of Turin & Gent University, Italy/Belgium
Olevs Nikers, President of the Baltic Security Foundation, USA
James Nixey, Director, Russia-Eurasia and Europe Programmes, Chatham House, London, UK
Bohdan Novosyadlyj, Professor, director of Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Alexis Nuselovici, Professor of General and Comparative Literature, University of Aix-Marseille, France
Dorthe Nyemann, Associate Professor of International Relations, Royal Danish Defence College, Institute For Strategy, Denmark
John O’Brennan, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Maynooth University, Ireland
Lee Ohanian, Professor of Economics, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Craig Oliphant, Senior Adviser, Foreign Policy Centre, London, UK
Anders Olofsgård, Deputy Director, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics, Sweden
Ho Ong Thong, writer, survivor of the Khmer Rouge re-education camps, Cambodia/Belgium
Margus Ott, researcher, Tallinn University, Estonia
Oxana Pachlovska, Professor, Ukrainian Language, Linguistics, and Literature, Fundamentals of Slavic Interculture, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Doris Pack, President of EPP Women, president of the Robert Schuman Institute, former member of the European Parliament and the Bundestag
Olena Palko, Professor of History, University of Basel, Switzerland
Carmelo Palma, journalist, Director of Strade-on-line, Italy
Aleksandra Panyutina, Researcher of School of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Filipe Papança, Professor at the Military Academy (Amadora), Portugal
Taline Papazian, lecturer in political science and international relations, Sciences Po, France
Lyudmila Parts, Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, McGill University, Canada
Tetiana Pechonchyk, Head of Board, Human Rights Center ZMINA, Ukraine
Harry Pei, Visiting Professor of Economics, Northwestern University, USA
Anne-Marie Pelletier, Emeritus university professor, theologian, Paris, France
Marco Perduca, former Senator, Italy
Ernst Pernicka, Professor of Archaeometry, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Tomas Petricek, former Foreign Affairs Minister, Senior non-resident fellow at the Institute of International Relations, Prague, Czech Republic
Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, Professor of History, Northwestern University, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Associate, U.S.A.
Dietrich Pfeiffer, MD, Professor emeritus for Internal Medicine at the University of Leipzig, Germany
Eric Picard, Child Psychiatrist, Director, Association for the Memory of the Shoah, Belgium
Jan Pieklo, Polish Ambassador to Ukraine (2016-2019)
Olga Pindyuk, economist, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Austria
Nicoletta Pirozzi, Head of Programme on European Union and Institutional Relations Manager, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Italy
Katarzyna Pisarska, Chair of the Warsaw Security Forum, Chairwoman of the Council of Casimir Pulaski Foundation, Poland
Sylvie Plane, Professor Emeritus, Sorbonne University, France
Susanne Pocai, author, staff member of the Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Anatoly Podolsky, historian, Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Andrzej Podraza, Professor, Political Science, Head of the Department of International Relations and Security, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Alla Poedie, lawyer, geopolitical analyst, columnist, Ukraine/France
Alain Policar, Political scientist, Associate researcher at Cevipof (Sciences Po), France
Vesselin Popovski, Founding Executive Director, Centre for the Study of United Nations
Vice Dean (Institution Building), Jindal Global Law School
Elena Poptodorova, Vice President of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria, former Ambassador to the USA, former Member of the Bulgarian Parliament
Piotr Porayski-Pomsta, Author, translator, France
Volodymyr Poselskyy, President of the NGO Ukraine in Europe, historian, lecturer President of the NGO Ukraine in Europe, lecturer at INALCO, France
Bohdan Prots, associate professor, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Yana Prymachenko, Senior Researcher, Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Maria Pryshlak, Rector, Ukrainian Free University, Munich
Wojciech Przybylski, Editor-in-chief Visegrad Insight — Res Publica Foundation, Poland
Daniel P. Puls, President & CEO PASS global agency, USA
Paolo Puppa, Professor (ret.), University of Venice, academic playwright and writer, Italy
Yulia Pushkar, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, USA
Laura Quercioli Mincer, Professor of Polish Literature, University of Genoa, Italy
Manfred Quiring, Author and former Russia correspondent for the “Berliner Zeitung”, “Die Welt” and “Zürcher Sonntagszeitung », Germany
Eva Quistorp, Theologian, political scientist and writer, former member of the European Parliament, Germany
Alain Rabatel, Emeritus Professor of Language Sciences, University Claude-Bernard – Lyon1, France
Lukasz Rachel, assistant professor, Department of Economics, University College London (UCL), UK
Utz Rachowski, Writer, former political prisoner in East Germany, advisor for victims of the GDR regime, Germany
Waleria Radziejowska-Hahn, member of the Programme Advisory Board of the Lew Kopelew Forum, Cologne, Germany
Pierre Raiman, Historian, co-founder of the association « Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre! », France
Matthew Redhead, Senior Associate Fellow, Centre for Finance and Security (CFS), Russia
Adam Reichardt, Editor in Chief, New Eastern Europe, Poland
Iwona Reichardt, board member, Jan Nowak Jeziorański College of Eastern Europe (KEW), Kraków, Poland
Julian Reif, Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, University of Illinois, USA
Marie-Pierre Rey, historian and political scientist, professor emeritus of Russian and Soviet history, University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Roberto Ricciuti, Associate Professor of Economic Policy, University of Verona, Italy
Janisset Rivero, Cuban writer and human rights activist, USA
Hugh Roberts, Professor, Director of Research and Impact for the department of Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies, Exeter University, UK
Christian Rocca, editorial director of Linkiesta, Milano, Italy
Alti Rodal, Co-Director, Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE), professor of Jewish history, Canada
Jacob Rogozinski, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Strasbourg University, France
Malte Rolf, Professor of East European History, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany
Sylvie Rollet, Professor Emeritus, President of the association “Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre!”, France
Robert Romanchuk, Associate Professor of Slavic in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Florida State University, USA
Krystyna Roza Jaworska, Professor of Polish Language and Literature, University of Turin, Italy
Malkhaz Saldadze, Associate Professor, Ilia State University, Georgia
Marie-Claude San Juan, Author and columnist, France
Andrei Sannikov, Chairman of the European Belarus Foundation, former Deputy foreign Minister, former prisoner of conscience, Belarus
Karol Sauerland, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Comparative Literature, University of Warsaw, Poland
Sebastian Schäffer, Political Scientist, author, managing director of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe, Vienna, Austria
Anselm Schmidt, Junior Researcher and Grant Consultant, University of Tartu, Estonia
Benjamin L. Schmitt, Senior Fellow, University of Pennsylvania; Associate, Harvard-Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, USA
Dominique Schnapper, Director of Studies, EHESS, Honorary Member of the Constitutional Council, France
Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja, researcher, Sigmund Freud University of Vienna, Austria
Manfred Schruba, Associate Professor, Studies in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, Italy
Jonathan Schulz, Professor at George Mason University, USA
Dirk Schumann, Professor, Chair of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Göttingen, Germany
Steven Seegel, Professor of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
Nataliia Shapoval, Vice President for Policy Research and Director of the Center of Excellence in Procurement, Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine
Yuri Shapoval, Professor, head of Department for Ethno-Political Studies, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Oxana Shevel, Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University, USA
Tetyana Shlikhar, Assistant Teaching Professor & Director of Undergraduate Russian Studies, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Branislav L. Slantchev, Full Professor at UC San Diego, USA
Olga Slivko, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
Malgorzata Smorag-Goldberg, Professor of Polish Studies at the Slavic Studies Department of Sorbonne Université, France
Michael Sohlman, former Chair of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Ilona Sologoub, VoxUkraine editor, Ukraine
Andrew Sorokowski, historian and lawyer, former researcher at the US Department of Justice
Reinier Speelman, translator, Associate Professor, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Raphael Spina, historian, teacher at the French Air Force Academy, Salon-de-Provence
Liliane Sprenger-Charolles, Senior researcher (Emeritus), Aix Marseille University (AMU), CNRS, France
Eugene Z. Stakhiv, PhD, Professor, Johns Hopkins U. (Ret.), Director (ret.), US Army Corps of Engineers
Ivan Štefanec, former member of the European Parliament, Honorary President of SME Europe, Slovakia
Mitja Steinbacher, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Catholic Institute, Slovenia
Nazar Stetsyk, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Ramona Strugariu, former member of the European Parliament, Romania
Kai Struve, Senior Research Fellow, Historical Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Wally Struys, Professor Emeritus, Defence Economist Royal Military Academy, Belgium
Raúl Suevos, Colonel (ret), former Director of Communication at the Eurocorps, former Commander of the multinational HQ Battalion of Eurocorps, Spain
Martin Svárovský, former member of Parliament, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Fellow for European Policy, Czech Republic
Marcin Swiecicki, former Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and former mayor of Warsaw, Poland
Péter Szigetvári, associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Marta Szpala, Senior Fellow at OSW – Centre for Eastern Studies, Poland
Charles Tannock, Senior Associate Fellow, Globsec, former member of the European Parliament, UK
Pascal Taranto, Professor, University of Aix-Marseille, Director of the Granger Centre, France
Tatiana Tatarinova, Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair In Computational Biology, University of La Verne, USA
Ian Colin Taylor, former Member of Parliament, U.K.
Ivan Tchalakov, Professor of Sociology, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Fulbright Research Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Denys Teps, Professor, Rector of the Brussels Academy of Justice, Belgium
Nicolai Teufel, DAAD Lecturer at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Nathalie Tocci, Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, Italy
Patrizia Tosini, Professor of Modern Art History, Roma Tre University, Italy
Jean-Marc Trouille, Professor, Jean Monnet Chair (UK), co-founder of AfriquEurope  (Univ. Peloponnese, Greece)
Bela Tsipuria, Professor of Comparative Literature at Ilia State University, Georgia
Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Professor in Russian Environmental Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland
Frank Umbach, Head of Research at the European Cluster for Climate, Energy and Resource Security, University of Bonn, Germany
Andreas Umland, Analyst, Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Mathieu Van Vyve, professor of Operations Research, UCLouvain, Belgium
Olivier Védrine, professor, journalist, board member of Jean Monnet association, France
Gianni Vernetti, former Senator, former Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Italy
Fabrice Viale, Senior lecturer, University of La Réunion, Department of Physical Activity and Sports Science, France
Lynne Viola, University Professor of History, Univ. of Toronto
Guido Vitiello, writer, columnist, associate professor of Cinema and Visual Culture at La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Bohdan Vitvitsky, President, Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc. USA
Polina Vlasenko, Postdoctoral researcher, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford, UK
Barbara von Ow-Freytag, journalist, expert for civil society in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia, Germany
Hartwig von Schubert, theologian, Privat Lecturer at the University of Hamburg, Germany
Hans-Joachim Voth, Professor of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
John Vsetecka, Assistant Professor of History, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Ricarda Vulpius, Professor of East European History, University of Münster
Natalia Vysotska, Professor of European and American Literature, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine
Izabela Wagner, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology of Migration, Paris-City University, France
Lucan Way, Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto, Canada
Marcus Welsch, Film director, OSINT- and data journalist, Germany
Anna Veronika Wendland, Research Fellow, Herder Institute for historical research on East Central Europe / Leibniz Association, Marburg, Germany
Sarah Whitmore, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Oxford Brookes University, U.K.
Johannes Wienand, Professor of Greek and Roman History, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Bernd Wieser, Professor, Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria
Thomas Wilke, Professor of Economics, University of Wismar, Germany
Sophia Wilson, Associate Professor of Political Science, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, President, American Association for Political Science, USA
Martina Winkler, Professor of Russian and East European History, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany
Sergej Winter, ornithologist, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
George Woloshyn, former Associate Director of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), USA
Gereon Wolters, Professor of Philosophy, University of Konstanz, Germany
Patrick Worms, President, International Union of Agroforestry, Belgium
Susann Worschech, Senior Researcher of Political Sociology of Eastern Europe, scientific co-ordinator of the Competence Network Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies Frankfurt (Oder) – Berlin, Germany
Mykola Yakovyna, artist, former member of the Parliament of Ukraine, honorary president of the Ukrainian National Committee of ICOMOS
Serhy Yekelchyk, Professor of History and Slavic Studies, University of Victoria, Canada
Yuliya Yurchuk, Associate Professor, Södertörn University, Sweden
Oleksandr Zabirko, Research fellow, Slavic Department, University of Regensburg, Germany
Andy Zapechelnyuk, Professor of Economics, University of Edinburgh, UK
Yves Charles Zarka, Professor Emeritus, Director of the journal Cités, Professor of Philosophy, Université Paris Descartes, France
Paul Zawadzki, Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Mikhail Zhukovsky, Researcher, Institute Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology “Gaetano Salvatore” (IEOS), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Naples, Italy
Miroslav Žiak, former Member of Parliament, Slovakia
Anna C. Zielinska, lecturer in philosophy, University of Lorraine, France
Joseph Zissels, Co-President of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine, Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress
Othar Zourabichvili, President of the Georgian Association in France
Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski, Professor, University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Poland
